I am really excited about this one.
Radio #EDUtalk will be at #oer16
OER16: Open Culture
19th & 20th April 2016, University of Edinburgh, UK
The 7th Open Educational Resources Conference, OER16: Open Culture, will be held on the 19th-20th April 2016 at the University of Edinburgh.
OER16 will focus on:
- The strategic advantage of open and creating a culture of openness.
- Converging and competing cultures of open knowledge, open source, open content, open practice, open data and open access.
- Hacking, making and sharing.
- The reputational challenges of openwashing.
- Openness and public engagement.
- Innovative approaches to opening up cultural heritage collections for education.
from: OER16
I am not sure what we will be broadcasting but I hope it might include conversations between various speakers and attendees.